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Full Version: Shop Collection Question
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Too Long; Didn't Read: I can't make more shop collections, the old button to do it isn't there.

Heylo! So, I have a question about the creation of shop collections, or shop boxes. I thought I knew how, as I already made quite a few collections in my shop. But, I had deleted all but one thinking it was nothin', and now I can't make more.
There is no button to sort petz in to a collection, there is no signals that I can make more, it's the old layout again and the only way to put a petz in a shop collection is to first click on it and then put in the petz. Now putting the petz in the collection really isn't that big of a deal for me, but having only one collection is a bit more annoying.
I have no clue how to make the collections in the shop anymore, since I cannot see any buttons or tutorials on how to do it. I know there was a button to do it, but it is no longer there, and the new menu to put pets up for sale is now the old layout again. I don't want to only have one shop collection, because I'm breeding more than just one species/partz set. Any and all help heavily appreciated!