Pixel Petz Club

Full Version: Too many accounts error
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My brother is trying to make his account to play with me on pixel petz on a phone, Why is it giving him "Error: Too many accounts" Did he do something? Please help!
oh i know why! theres aready an account under that email, you cant have 2 acounts so they said "no acount with the same email."
dont you know this?[Image: 1661441757_2ad19b4ac8c6b86c90ac391a02b2370e.png]
The error is actually given to those that try to make more than 1 account if they've already received a warning or timeout for having too many accounts. Remember that only 1 account is allowed in Pixel Petz! :O
When encountering the "Too many accounts error," it can often be frustrating for users trying to manage multiple accounts simultaneously. This issue arises when platforms impose limits on the number of accounts that can be accessed or created from a single device or IP address. For those facing this dilemma, it's essential to troubleshoot by checking for any redundant or inactive accounts. Just Look at this web-site for step-by-step instructions on how to consolidate or delete unnecessary accounts to alleviate the error. Additionally, reaching out to customer support for assistance may provide further insights or solutions to resolve the issue efficiently.